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NAC Church Dedication Service will be held by Apostle Wolf at 10:30am on April 8, 2018 in our new premise at Suit J 20th Floor, Reason Group Tower, Castle Peak Road 403-413 (Kwai Chung), Kwai Chung, New Territory, Hong Kong.

Effective from 8 April 2018, Hong Kong congregation will be moved to the following address:

Flat J, 20th Floor, Reason Group Tower, 403-413 Castle Peak Road Kwai Chung Section, Kwai Chung, N.T. (Kwai Hing MTR Station Exit A)

The Divine Service will be started at 10:30 a.m. on every Sunday from 8 April 2018.


新界葵涌青山公路403-413號滙城集團大廈20樓J室 (葵興港鐵站A出口)




Coming Sunday the New Apostolic Church worldwide celebrates the first of three yearly divine services for the Departed. Based on the understanding  that God wants all men to be saved we believe that sacraments are not limited to souls living on earth. We pray for all mankind. Only Jesus can deliver from evil and draw souls to Him. Salvation is not just limited to life on earth. Jesus sent His Apostles to help all in need; let us have empathy for all souls, here and in the beyond and have the desire to contribute to their salvation. Continue reading

On 21st September we observe the International Day of Prayer for Peace. Together for PEACE, Respect, safety and dignity for all goes this year’s message of the United Nation.

Christians remember the famous greetings of Jesus: PEACE BE WITH YOU. Yet also the Psalmist desired the city of Jerusalem be filled with peace and salvation from within and that its inhabitants should share in it, as expressed in a pilgrim song record in Psalm 122.

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Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter, again we celebrate high-feasts of Christianity. Such days should not be lived through without reflection on their meaning. We remember the high light of the life of Jesus. Our thoughts are directed to His entrance into Jerusalem and visit at the temple where He made a clear statement. The victory of Jesus Christ over evil and His resurrection is essential for our own resurrection day.

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This year’s second edition of our worldwide congregation magazine is available. Download from this website, get hard copy in your congregation. The publication of the New Apostolic is a very informativ read. Spiritual topics are covered, soul care, doctrine explained, stories concerning our faith, news and most importantly the Chief Apostle’s proclamation of the living word. Even a children section and pictorial of our activities in South East Asia are not missing. Your feed back is appreciated.

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This year’s visit  (24-26 February) by the District Apostle to our Hong Kong congregation was under different aspects. First a pure technical one. Testing and commissioning of equipment to manufacture Wafers for use in Communion rites in Churches. Really an interesting technology to get the three drops of wine on unleavened  bred.
All new apostolic congregations celebrated the beginning of the new year with a commitment to glorify God, our Father! 
The Chief Apostle greeted the members with an address for all Christians.
Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen (Philippians 4:20) The Apostle Paul said “NOW”. Praise and worship is the essential task of all Christians and also today, this call is for “NOW”
To glorify God is our program for 2017 and that is more than the expression of an emotion:  It is the result of Holy Spirit’s work in our soul and thus consists of three tasks.
1. RECOGNISE the greatness of the Father in His creative activity
2. THANKFULNESS by expressing gratitude for His gifts
3. PROCLAIM His glory by behaving like children of God
Let us join together in this effort and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us so that we may all glorify our God and Father with one mind and one mouth. (Romans 15:6) 

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