“Joy to the Neighbours” in the local community of HK Congregation after the Third Advent Divine Service – Christmas 2018
“Joy to the World” kicked off the Outdoor Christmas Carol Program organized by NAC HK Congregation at their nearby restaurant in the afternoon on Dec. 16. They introduced New Apostolic Faith to their neighbours by singing Christmas songs with Angklung and Guitar, reading Bible verses and distributing introductory material of NAC. The Invitation to attend the upcoming Christmas Divine Service on Dec 23rd at 10:30 am and Christmas Day, 25th at 10:30, was extended to those who are interested, the shopkeepers, restaurant customers, and local residents. This 15 membered Christmas Carol team experienced the special joy in serving our Lord in Christmas time thanks to Sister Valerie, Choir Director and Alex, Guitar Tutor for their guidance on preparation.
May Our Heavenly Father shed the light and open the door of salvation to our neighbours!