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This year’s visit  (24-26 February) by the District Apostle to our Hong Kong congregation was under different aspects. First a pure technical one. Testing and commissioning of equipment to manufacture Wafers for use in Communion rites in Churches. Really an interesting technology to get the three drops of wine on unleavened  bred.
In a one day meeting the understanding of the  concept of ministry as well as the divine service for the departed were discussed.
Sunday sermon was based on Revelation 3:18.
Jesus counsels us to buy gold, the truth of the gospel, eye-salve the word of God to have divine vision and understanding but also the garment of Grace is salvation relevant to appear before Christ. Our multicultural congregation enjoyed the sharing of word and sacrament but also appreciated the  natural food provided in a fellowship.
Great was the joy on the announcement of the Chief Apostle visit to Hong Kong in September 2018
The District Apostle and his party travelled to Macao and closed this blessed Sunday with a sermon on Matthew 7:7. Jesus teaches us how to pray in order to be answered. Ask humbly and thankfully with faith, Seek first the Kingdom of God by doing His will and knock at the door with  trust in  the Lord and not by smashing a closed door open. He will open unto us.

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